In Kangamiut, we work actively to understand and reduce our environmental and carbon footprints to maintain a healthy environment and seafood resources for generations to come.
Yet, we are aware that the impact of our business extends beyond our own relatively modest operations and entails the full value chain from primary fisheries via production and retailers to the consumer. This is exemplified from a carbon footprint perspective in the carbon life cycle analysis conducted by 2.0 LCA (https://lca-net.com/projects/show/life-cycle-assessment-lca-of-kangamiut-seafood-products/) for Kangamiut Seafood A/S. Therefore, despite the efforts and financial means invested in our decarbonization and nature preservation projects, these will never compensate for the footprint of the final product.
Carbon footprint & nature preservation projects
Climate action is a matter of much debate and opposing opinions. The validity of both carbon reduction and carbon capture programs are rightfully scrutinized, and deciding on the right thing to do is not a simple task.
In Kangamiut, we acknowledge this dilemma, and yet it is our belief that giving it our best try and hoping our efforts make a measurable difference is better than no action at all.
Therefore, while we are still in the process of preparing for our carbon accounting, our actions to reduce carbon emissions and capture atmospheric carbon dioxide are already well underway. We believe we will go further this way.
Carbon reduction actions – focusing on scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions as a first step
• Transition to all electrical company cars (to be completed by 2025)
• Energy optimizing company owned facilities
• Increasing electricity self-sufficiency by installing solar panels on company owned facilities
Carbon capture and nature preservation projects
• 2021: Acquisition and protection of the 38 hectares forest “Dronninggård Skov”, 2 km from our headquarters
• 2023: Acquisition of farmland for afforestation and nature reestablishment
• Follow our LinkedIn to receive more information on this project!
In Kangamiut, we aspire to contribute to better working conditions and social improvements everywhere we operate.
The Group acknowledges the importance of the workplace for each employee’s everyday life and continues to work on improving the working conditions. The company cares about the individual employee: good health insurance plans are provided, and continuous development of employee qualifications is highly prioritized.
In Kangamiut we are proud to have a group of exceptionally talented and engaged colleagues, which is reflected in employee satisfaction and engagement well above national average as per our 2022 employee satisfaction survey.
Working conditions at the tilapia farm in Ghana
Our tilapia farm in Ghana, which is locally and independently operated by Danmarin/Fish & Feeds, provides the rural community with jobs, and supports local schools and infrastructure, while producing a valuable source of protein for the local market.
The farm’s ASC certification is our guarantee that the farm is operated in a socially responsible manner well above local standards, and that the environmental impact of the farm is minimized. (Certifying environmentally and socially responsible seafood - ASC International (asc-aqua.org))